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Thursday, April 22, 2010

hello! money money money fans i now that this color is not the greatest i have you seen comic people there tile is learn to draw they travle all over the world. they came to my school there.
All the time theres going to be a new talking head and . Basket ball and of coures money money money !
money money money people im back hey did all of all of . Guys now that crish bosh got inger
his hands were all blooded if you want to. Now alot about it go to alamor.keane.@tel.tdsb.on.ca

Thursday, April 15, 2010

hello my name is taurus from plant mars $$$$ you now what blog is about money!
money money

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hey everyone this is Taurus called you guys now what my blog is called its called money money money!.Every week theres going to have a new talking head
